To commemorate Truth and Reconciliation Week (September 25th – 30th), POPDHH collaborated with Indigenous representatives to demonstrate sign names for 10 Indigenous communities in BC. If you know sign names for Indigenous communities that are not...
Online Training – Supporting DHH Students We are pleased to announce two offerings for the Fall 2023: If you have already attended this training, you may want to check out our new module: From the Community Upcoming workshops, information sessions,...
How Was Your Summer? Welcome to School Year 2023 – 2024! Read on about our Back to School plans for the Fall 2023. ASL Programs and Services – The Fall round will kick off on the week of October 3rd. We will continue with our popular offerings for...
POPDHH Presents: DHH Regional Camps May 2023 In May this year, POPDHH sponsored and attended 4 regional DHH student camps, in collaboration with the school districts and the The Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Deaf-Blind Well-Being Program (WBP):May 8 – 10 –...
REMINDER: POPDHH Satisfaction Survey If you haven’t already, can you please complete our 16-question annual satisfaction survey. The survey is a part of our quality review process, both internally and requested by the Ministry of Education and Child Care. Your...
POPDHH Satisfaction Survey Dear POPDHH District and Community Partners, Friends and Colleagues, After a two year survey hiatus, we would like to request your valuable feedback about POPDHH services provided since January 2021. Please help us by completing...