POPDHH on the Road: McQueen Lake DHH Camp

At the beginning of May, POPDHH supported seven teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing from the Okanagan area to take students to camp. Eighteen students gathered at McQueen Lake Education Centre in Kamloops, BC, to learn how to live off-grid and meet new friends. We enjoyed hiking in a beautiful outdoor setting, geocaching and even had two special presenters visit us. John Warren came to lead the students in a fun ASL workshop.
Students of all levels enjoyed the stories and games and learned some new signs!

We also had Cole Linaker, a hard of hearing athlete from the University of Alberta, come and share about his educational experience growing up with a hearing difference and how he has overcome barriers in playing hockey. Cole played for one of our local hockey teams, the Kelowna Rockets and students loved getting to know him and finding similarities in his experiences with their own lives. We cannot wait to see you all next year!
“The students all loved McQueen Lake so much, finally a true accessible peer group where they could just be free from the stresses and pressure of having to work so hard to hear.
Just being freed up, kids together, was liberating for them.”

POPDHH – upcoming events and reminders

TDHH Mentorship 2018 – 2020 – DEADLINE APPROACHING: POPDHH is now accepting applications for the TDHH Mentorship Program 2018 – 2020. Click on the links below for details and to apply.
Feel free to forward to your colleagues who may not be on our mailing list.

TDHH Mentorship Booklet
TDHH 2018 – 2020 Mentorship Application Form

BC Deaf Scholarship Trust – DEADLINE APPROACHING: Now accepting applications for BCDST scholarships! Click on the images below for the BCDST 2018 Flyer and BCDST 2018 Application PackageThe submission deadline is June 15, 2018.

Our mailing address is:
Provincial Outreach Program: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
4446 Wattling Street Burnaby, BC V5J 5H3
Voice: 604-296-9062 Fax: 604-296-9063
Text: 778-889-5663 Email: office@popdhh.ca