POPDHH New Program Launches

Educational Interpreter Consultant (EIC)

Have you ever faced the question “Why should we get an interpreter for this classroom? Isn’t an EA with sign language a good fit?”, and maybe were unsure of the answer?? Or perhaps a school based team has said “Oh yes, we have an interpreter!” but no one is sure of the qualifications of the individual?  These can be challenging situations to face and often need an expert third party to come in to support learning and growth.  POPDHH is working harder than ever to make this aspect of your work easier to navigate.
Meet Jessica Siegers!

Since September 2023, Jessica  has been contracted  to provide Educational Interpreter Consultant services with POPDHH.  Jessica has worked in a variety of settings and locations as an interpreter, a mentor, a manager, and a practice supervisor, attaining all BC specific screenings, as well as national certification in 2016, over the course of her career. Jessica brings over 20 years of interpreting and mentoring experience to the role.
Having Jessica in the EIC position this year has allowed the POPDHH to create the Sign Language Interpreter Package by request of BCPSEA, which will help establish standard qualifications for interpreters working in school districts. She also put together  several creative recommendations when finding qualified personnel proves challenging. These suggestions were then shared with targeted districts. Jessica has supported districts in trialing some of these solutions including virtual interpreting in some situations, and developed a list to clarify the roles and responsibilities of interpreters and educational assistants. This has been a helpful tool in classrooms where both EAs and interpreters are working together. Jessica has also provided mentorship to interpreters and input on interpreter recommendations to school teams. Having the EIC position on our team has been instrumental in supporting interpreters and school teams seeking qualified interpreters across the province.
To contact Jessica, please email eic@popdhh.ca with your interpreter related questions.

POPDHH Satellite Program – Pilot

Deaf and hard of hearing learners in isolated school districts may face distinctive challenges in developing language skills, cultural understanding, and identity. In April 2024 POPDHH launched a pilot Satellite Program to address these potential gaps by creating an immersive environment at the BC School for the Deaf (BCSD).
Four DHH students in grades K-4 from Armstrong, Kelowna, Smithers and the Comox Valley were invited to spend 4 school days at BCSD, where they had an opportunity to interact with peer language models, engage in cultural activities, and receive quality instruction from fluent professionals. Part of their visit coincided with our DHHproud event.
The young students and their parents were billeted at the Victory Hill Dorm during their stay.

The Satellite program students Ania, Thea, Bella and Landon at the Dorm and in Class with John Warren

We look forward to putting together a plan for the future Satellite programs!

BC Initiative: Evidence-based early literacy screening for all students in kindergarten to Grade 3

Last month, the Office of the Premier announced a new initiative to improve early literacy. The Ministry of Education and Child Care is working  to expand services of several Provincial Outreach Programs, including the POPDHH, and support literacy-focused professional development and training for teachers and support staff in school districts.
Read the full press release here.
We are excited to work with the Ministry and our fellow POPs on these enhanced literacy services.

REMINDER: TDHH Professional Development: 2024 – 2026

Registration for the enhanced TDHH professional development opportunities, better known as TDHH Mentorship, is now open!

Click to read the Mentorship Program Booklet and to register for the 2024 – 2026 cohort.
The registration closes on May 31st, 2024. We will contact the successful candidates in the first week of June.
The first cohort meeting will be held in the second half of September 2024.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the program before you register.

REMINDER: BC Deaf Education Scholarship Trust

BC Deaf Scholarship Trust: Deaf – Mainstreamed Students: BCDST Scholarship Application – PDF download. The applications for the upcoming school year will be collected until May 15th. Successful candidate(s) will be notified in the first week of June.

For a full list of scholarships available to DHH students in BC, visit ace-bc.ca/students/

From the Community

Upcoming workshops, information sessions, seminars, career opportunities and more

Upcoming Events:
Our mailing address is:
Provincial Outreach Program: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
4446 Watling Street Burnaby, BC V5J 5H3
Voice: 604-296-9062
Text: 778-889-5663 Email: office@popdhh.ca
To unsubscribe, email office@popdhh.ca, but we’ll be sad to see you go!