E-Learning Workshops: We will be resuming Thursday Lunch and Learn Webinars this month. The TDHH Mentorship group will be in attendance, and we are opening up to TDHHs around the province to join. Registration coming next week; tune in between 12 and 1 pm and come prepared to ask questions!Upcoming topics:
- October 29: Topic TBA shortly
- November 12: Minimizing the Effects of COVID-19 Safety Protocols on Visual and Auditory Access by Jessica Niemela, Audiologist, Interior Health
TDHH Induction and Retention Program: This initiative is being developed with the help of long-time TDHH Mentorship participants Kristina Baker and Angela Wallenius. Please watch for more information in the new year!
EA Mentorship: Introductory webinar series for educators supporting students who are DHH will be piloted this fall. This free workshop will provide basic knowledge about the educational implications of visual and auditory access for students with hearing differences. Please watch for more information about the official launch of this program in the new year.