POPDHH e-news November 2019

DHHCW 2020: Save the Date
We are pleased to announce the dates for DHHCW 2020. Registration and more details coming in the next few weeks. Mark your calendars!
- April 27th – Education Day
- April 28th – Optimist Contest – 2020 Topic: Just iMagine a World Without Boundaries
- April 29th – Friendship Day
Upcoming Events
- November 20th and 21st – ASL Activities in the Okanagan – more details to follow
- November 28th – DHH Math Research Webinar – Taylor Hallenbeck (doctoral research assistant, DHH person, and TDHH) and Jennifer Thom (UVic Associate Professor of mathematics education, former Richmond School Teacher, and mother of a 14 year old DHH son) are conducting a federally funded (SSHRC) study to examine how d/hh primary students access and develop their spatial reasoning/geometric skills in inclusive mainstream mathematics classrooms. Taylor Hallenbeck and Jennifer Thom are partnering with POPDHH to provide this webinar to share their research and to begin a conversation about how the research findings can support the work of the BC Ministry of Education, school districts, teachers, students, and parents of DHH students. If you are interested in attending on November 28th at 11:30 – 12:20 PST please register here.

What’s POPDHH Been Up To
October 15th – ASL – Level 1 online classes and ASL office hours with John started
October 16 – Tamara delivered a lecture on Assessment and Treatment of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing for second year SLP students at UBC
October 17 – Tamara delivered a workshop for TDHHs and EAs on Gulf Islands
October 25 – Alana, John and Lynley attended CAEDHH-BC conference
October 25 – Tamara attended EA networking via video conference to provide POPDHH updates
October 25 – Terry attended the Burnaby Principals’ and Vice Principals’ Association Retreat in Whistler. Pro D Agenda: Leading Leaders
November 6 to 9 – Terry and John attending the ASL Round Table in Salt Lake City
From the Community
Postings, upcoming events, news and updates from around BC
FNDC – Parenting Workshop Nov 16th and Movie Night Nov 23rd
Click on the posters below for detailed info and to register.

Lest We Forget
Remembrance Day November 11, 2019 |
Our mailing address is:
Provincial Outreach Program: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
4446 Watling Street Burnaby, BC V5J 5H3
Voice: 604-296-9062 Fax: 604-296-9063
Text: 778-889-5663 Email: office@popdhh.ca
To unsubscribe, email office@popdhh.ca, but we’ll be sad to see you go!