Lunch and Learn Thursdays – Spring 2021

Just a reminder that the last of the Spring Series webinars is coming up:

  • June 10th, 2021 – POPDHH Programs and Services Update, by POPDHH Team & UBC Programs Announcement by Joanna Cannon, PhD, Associate Professor

Register here if you haven’t already. The webinar link will be sent with registration confirmation. Interpreters and captioning will be provided. Sessions may be recorded.

The handouts from previous webinars are posted on our website

The POPDHH and the Burnaby School District are inviting all Grade 9-12 high school students province-wide to be a part of a unique opportunity watching a free virtual screening of  “Picture A Scientist.”

  • June 1, 2021: Screening date with closed captions and ASL interpreting (1:00-2:45 pm PDT – live)
  • June 1-3, 2021: Screening dates (independent viewing with closed captions)
  • June 4, 2021: Panel discussion with scientists and students (1:00-2:15 pm PDT)

Please use this link or open the poster for details and to register for the event. See the attached document for a suggested letter to parents as well as pre- and post-screening questions.

For more information, please contact Donna Morgan ( or Lynley Lewis (

BCDEC Update: The BC Deaf Education Committee continues  to review applications for the BCSD/ Provincial Oral Program. The next meeting is scheduled for June 17th. If you would like to refer for the fall 2021, please contact before June 1st.

Research Opportunity Request from UBC

Alisa Bridger is a doctoral student in Counselling Psychology at UBC. Alisa wears many hats: she is a PhD student; a counselling psychologist in the public school system; and most important of all, she is the mother of three children, two of whom are hard of hearing. Alisa’s doctoral research is on the experience of hard of hearing youth as they transition from elementary to secondary school.

Please see Alisa’s  letter of introduction addressed to TDHHs as well as a flyer for parents and students. On behalf of Alisa and the supervising Team at UBC, we thank you for sharing with your students and we thank the students for participating.

From the Community

Upcoming workshops, information sessions, seminars, career opportunities and more

Career Opportunities

Our mailing address is:
Provincial Outreach Program: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
4446 Watling Street Burnaby, BC V5J 5H3
Voice: 604-296-9062 Fax: 604-296-9063
Text: 778-889-5663 Email:
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