POPDHH e-news – Happy Thanksgiving
REMINDER: ASL Online Classes and ASL Office Hours
Just a reminder that the ASL online classes are starting on October 15th. There is still room to register, click on the poster below for details and registration link.
The registration link will be open until the morning of October 15th. The participants will receive login instructions by 10 am on Tuesday.
For more exciting updates about our ASL Programs and Services, visit our website:

CAEDHH-BC Conference Update

CAEDHH, in collaboration with the POPDHH, will be piloting a web-streaming option to attend the Oct 25th, 2019 workshop with Sandra Gillam. We are inviting a few individuals to participate remotely so that we can see the feasibility of providing professional development in this format in the future. Due to the nature of this being a pilot program, there are some limitations that should be taken into consideration when volunteering to assist with testing!
- The cost of registration is the same as attending in-person, and we trust that only the registered person will be in attendance.
- You will be tech-savvy, and able to set-up audio and visual equipment where you participate.
- You will be able to participate without captioning or ASL interpreting (unless you provide your own interpreting at your site).
British Columbia Framework for Accessibility Legislation – ASL Translation
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend from POPDHH Team!
Our mailing address is:
Provincial Outreach Program: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
4446 Watling Street Burnaby, BC V5J 5H3
Voice: 604-296-9062 Fax: 604-296-9063
Text: 778-889-5663 Email: office@popdhh.ca
To unsubscribe, email office@popdhh.ca, but we’ll be sad to see you go! |