Welcome to School Year 2021 – 2022!

We hope that everyone had a safe, pleasant and restful summer, and the first week of school is off to an awesome start!

POPDHH continues to provide educational consultation, programming and support for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing all over British Columbia. We are pleased to connect virtually, by phone, or, if requested, by visiting communities unless regional restrictions are in place. POPDHH travel to other districts and health regions is dictated by the Provincial Health Authority guidelines, as well as Burnaby Schools (our host district). To refer your student, complete an Online Consultation Request.

Read on about our Back to School plans for the upcoming season and beyond.

ASL Programs and Services – The Fall round will kick off on the week of October 4th. We will continue with our popular offerings for students, such as ASL CATS, ASL Games ASL Play, and ASL Peer Chat.
We are also working on piloting the highly anticipated ASL Credit course for students and we apologize for delays.
Keep watch for details and registration in the next couple of weeks.

Journal Club – POPDHH is partnering with Dr. Joanna Canon, the Coordinator of Education for the DHH in the Special Ed Department at UBC, to host engaging discussions about current research.  Please keep an eye out for announcements about our new online Journal Club!

Lunch and Learn Thursdays – By popular demand, we will continue our monthly webinar series for TDHHs and other Deaf Education Professionals, as well as our community partners, parents and anyone else interested to learn. Dates and topics will be announced soon. If you need a refresher on our previous offerings, visit POPDHH Webinars page on our website, and don’t hesitate to let us know if you have a wishlist of guest-presenters.

TDHH Mentorship; TDHH Induction and Retention; Online Training for Support Staff – Year two of TDHH Mentorship 2020-2022 will start with a two day online session on September 29th and October 1st. We look forward to seeing all of the participants virtually later this month. The Induction and Retention pilot is ongoing, updates and plans for future iterations coming soon!
Last school year we had a successful launch of Online Training for Educators supporting DHH students, and the Fall series is already in the works. To find out more and to place your name in the queue for the future sessions, go to https://popdhh.ca/resources/online-training-supporting-dhh-students/.

A Virtual Event Open to All Canadian Schools For Youth Grades 5 – 12
TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION WEEK is a 5-day national event that will continue the conversations from Every Child Matters. Important conversations including the truths of the Indigenous treaties, First Nation, Métis and Inuit land claims, and the residential schools system. This online event will provide historical workshops, exclusive video content, and activities for students — all supported by artistic and cultural performances by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit artists. For more details and to register, visit National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

From the Community

Upcoming workshops, information sessions, seminars, career opportunities and more
Get in touch with us if you have updates you wish to share via POPDHH e-news.
Our mailing address is:
Provincial Outreach Program: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
4446 Watling Street Burnaby, BC V5J 5H3
Voice: 604-296-9062 Fax: 604-296-9063
Text: 778-889-5663 Email: office@popdhh.ca
To unsubscribe, email office@popdhh.ca, but we’ll be sad to see you go!