POPDHH presents: Community Partners Updates – Tuesdays in June
The ProD Tuesdays Webinar series for TDHHs and other Deaf Education Professionals continues in the month of June! Our Community Partners have graciously agreed to share updates about their programs.

WHEN: Tuesday June 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd, 10 am to 11 am
WHERE: Online – meeting link will be provided upon registration
June 2nd: Provincial Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
June 9th: DHH & DB Well-Being Program;
Post-Secondary Communication Access Services
June 16th: Deaf Youth Today;
Canadian Hard of Hearing Association – BC
June 23rd: British Columbia School for the Deaf
Register here for all sessions. The webinar link will be provided with registration confirmation.
Please note: the webinars may be recorded. You will not be required to use a webcam or a microphone during the session. For Q&A portion, you will be able to submit your questions via chat box.
An interpreter will be provided for all sessions.
Update for May 26th ProD Tuesdays Topics – half hour each:
1. Competency-Based IEPs – Katelin Miller, TDHH, Comox Valley and Campbell River
2. Building Rapport with School Based Teams, Teachers and Students – Katie Manghillis, TDHH, Langley Schools
If you haven’t registered for May Webinars – here is the link. For those of you who have registered before, no need to do it again. We look forward to seeing you every Tuesday in May (and June!).
Mentorship 2020-2022 plug-in: don’t forget to register by May 31st! |