- The conference will run from 8:45 am to 1:30 pm.
A grassroots virtual conference hosted by POPDHH in collaboration with the Vancouver school district and the Ministry of Education’s IEP team, to share updates from the IEP working group, documents to help write competency based IEPs, Ministry’s compliance and audit information, as well as practice ways to write CB IEPs.
This conference is available for people who are: ASL Interpreters, Audiologists, Deaf Community members, Educational Assistants, Parents, Post-Secondary Graduate Students, School Administrators, Speech Language Pathologists, Teachers, TDHH-BCSD, and TDHH-Itinerant.
Presenters: Mary-Ann Livesey, Sheryl Morris, Jenny Williams
Panelists: same as above and Katelin Miller
Registration deadline is: Friday, March 26, 2021 (last week of Spring Break) – no exceptions
Price: $0