Another great event has just wrapped up. We would like to thank all the participants for joining us.

While we missed seeing everyone in person this year, we are grateful for the ability to connect virtually.

We would also appreciate it if you could complete a short feedback form about the event – or feel free to just email us and let us know how we did. (TDHHs, please forward the link to your students to complete as well).

Friendship Day and Optimist Contest Feedback

Itinerant Conference Feedback

Now, a little bit about each day:


April 7 – Friendship Day with MaxiMime

DHH Students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 across the province were invited to participate in a fun interactive Zoom session with a world famous Deaf clown, physical actor and mime, Max Fomitchev, a seasoned Cirque du Soleil artist with many years of experience.
Over 150 students  tuned in to watch Max deliver a par-excellence miming workshop and an encore performance. 40 students were randomly selected to join Max on video and try a hand at miming.

This is what some of the participants told us after the event:

“Max is awesome!” – Matt, Grade 8
“Whoa! He makes it look so real!” – Nevaya, Grade 3
“I really enjoyed this morning. Thank you!” – Nolan, Grade 4

We hope we will have an opportunity to have Max perform at our events again and in person!

April 8 – Optimist Communication Contest

The second day of DHHCW featured the Optimist Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, presented by POPDHH and sponsored in part by the Coquitlam Optimist Club. This year’s topic was aptly titled Healing the World with Optimism. Nine contestants competed in the Oral category for a chance to win a $300 bursary, and iPad and other valuable prizes. Unfortunately, this year we did not receive enough applications for the ASL category.
Jen Mezei, the Chair of the Burnaby Board of Education, delivered opening remarks and wished a warm welcome to all participants and  guests.

And now, the winners of the Optimist Contest – Oral Category:

  • 1st place – Shea Jackson
  • 2nd place – Leona Cormack
  • 3rd place – Peri Little

Congratulations to the winners and all the contestants – you all have something to be proud of!

Check out the recording of the competition:

April 9 Itinerant TDHH Conference

A grassroots virtual conference was hosted by POPDHH in collaboration with the Vancouver school district and the Ministry of Education’s IEP team, to share updates from the IEP working group, documents to help write competency based IEPs, Ministry’s compliance and audit information, as well as practice ways to write CB IEPs.

We were pleased that over 50 participants joined online: TDHHs, as well as ASL Interpreters, Audiologists, Deaf Community members, Educational Assistants, Resource Teachers, Parents, Post-Secondary Graduate Students, School Administrators, and Speech Language Pathologists.

Unfortunately, this year we were not able to have the Education Day for students that’s usually held in conjunction with the Itinerant TDHHs conference.

We look forward to DHHCW 2022 and hope it will be in-person!
Our mailing address is:
Provincial Outreach Program: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
4446 Watling Street Burnaby, BC V5J 5H3
Voice: 604-296-9062 Fax: 604-296-9063
Text: 778-889-5663 Email:
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