What’s POPDHH Been Up To
ASL Round Table in Salt Lake City – Nov 7th to 9th, 2019

ASLRT November 2019 – Canadian Educators
Terry Maloney and John Warren visited Salt Lake City, Utah, to attend the American Sign Language Roundtable (ASLRT) conference November 7th to 9th, 2019 at the Jean Massieu School of the Deaf.
This conference is intended to bring in specialists providing ASL instruction to deaf and hard of hearing students. This allows these specialized professionals to share ideas and advance the field of ASL as a heritage language. The group also discussed how to best address the needs of deaf and hard of hearing students they serve.
Terry and John had an opportunity to meet professionals in the field from across the States, and also for some great networking benefiting our outreach services.
For more resources for the ASL students K -12 check out the ASL-CIA website https://www.aslcia.net/home, about the American Sign Language Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments.
ASL Activities – Okanagan Nov 20 and 21, 2019

ASL Activities November 2019 – Okanagan
On November 20th and 21st, Alana, Terry and John visited several communities in the Okanagan to present an ASL workshop, promote inclusion and develop an understanding about the strengths and solutions to barriers our Deaf and Hard of Hearing students may face. John and Terry shared their love of ASL and features of Deaf culture to over 100 students. The tour included visiting 20 Deaf and Hard of Hearing students and 4 full classes. We also collaborated with Provincial Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services to provide a DHH Family night, and an opportunity for parents to meet and share resources and questions. At the same time, the students participated in a fun Science Centre presentation with their siblings. We concluded the event with a pizza dinner with the participating families. We look forward to organizing another ASL Activities visit soon. If you are interested in hosting an ASL workshop in your community, please contact office@popdhh.ca.
Math Webinar – Nov 29, 2019

POPDHH sponsored a DHH Math Research Webinar, presented by Taylor Hallenbeck (doctoral research assistant, DHH person, and TDHH) and Jennifer Thom (UVic Associate Professor of mathematics education, former Richmond School Teacher, and mother of a 14 year old DHH son). Thirteen Deaf education professionals province-wide joined the webinar to learn about the research topic- Investigating D/HH Students’ Mathematics in Mainstream Classrooms – and to discuss how the findings can support the work of the BC Ministry of Education, school districts, teachers, students, and parents of DHH students.
Jennifer and Taylor would like to hear your feedback and input into the topics of their research. Please click to complete the feedback form here, even if you didn’t attend the webinar. |