Quick links to register:

DHHproud – Showcase April 25th, 2025 – Venue change

NEW LOCATION: Centre for Dialogue at Byrne Creek Community School, 7777 – 18th Street, Burnaby.

COMING UP: Lunch and Learn Webinar March 2nd, 2023

  • March 2nd, 2023 – Updates from UBC – TDHH program;  Updates from Sunny Hill Team

Register here to receive a webinar link. Interpreters and captioning will be provided.

TDHH Journal Club

  • April 13th, 2023 – Advocacy
  • June 8th, 2023 – Literacy
To receive your zoom login and a research article, please register here.

ASL Vocabulary – Handshape Stories

As we get closer to Spring, we’d like to share an ASL story about a mother bird.
The story is a handshape poem, taken from the book A Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly
In the book, the teacher receiving this poem gives it a failing mark, with a feedback “this does not rhyme!”, to which the student replies, “It does to me”.
This video resource will give your students a visual example of the poem to include in your next novel study.
Enjoy and let us know what other ASL handshape stories you’d like to see in this section.

From the Community

Upcoming workshops, information sessions, seminars, career opportunities and more

UBC – Language Sciences – has two exciting events coming up:

Get in touch with us if you have updates you wish to share via POPDHH e-news.

Our mailing address is:
Provincial Outreach Program: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
4446 Watling Street Burnaby, BC V5J 5H3
Voice: 604-296-9062 Fax: 604-296-9063
Text: 778-889-5663 Email: office@popdhh.ca
To unsubscribe, email office@popdhh.ca, but we’ll be sad to see you go!