Deaf and Hard of Hearing Connections Week April 15 – 17, 2019
Another great event has just wrapped up. We would like to thank all of the participants for joining us for one, two or all three days. We hope that all of our out of town guests have now safely arrived home. Also, in the next few days we will share a feedback link with the participants. Now, a little bit about each day:
Optimist Day – April 15th
Those of you trying to watch the Optimist competition online – we apologize for the glitches in the live feed. The technology got the better of us this year, but it’s not all lost! We are pleased to provide all of the feed in the 4 links below. Please share with colleagues, students and parents who weren’t able to attend.
Link #1 – https://youtu.be/uGqxrdxPJls
Link #2 – https://youtu.be/lydVyH_SDp8
Link #3 – https://youtu.be/Ki_M-ELyT8A
Link #4 – https://youtu.be/VF1GNiCSdws
We would also like to announce the winners of the Optimist Contest:
- Gabriel Kamaev – ASL category
- Catrina Stevens – Oral Category
Congratulations to the winners and all the contestants – you all have something to be proud of!

Education Day April 16 – for our Out of Town Students
Students in grades 6 to 9 joined Terry, John and Lynley at the Scavenger hunt in Vancouver. Fun was had by all and even the rain held off for our guest to be able to explore without getting wet.

Meanwhile, students in grades 10 to 12 joined Alana and PCAS representatives to enjoy condensed post-secondary transition workshop and tour of Vancouver Community College.

Friendship Day April 17 – Field Trip to Science World
It was a pleasure to see almost 250 DHH students and close to 100 teachers and staff from local and out of town district and the BCSD join us at Science world for a day of fun, cool science experiments and exhibits, and some tasty pizza. We hope that many great friendships were made this day for years to come. We would also like to thank the Telus World of Science for their generous support in making this event possible.

Thanks again for joining us and we look forward to the DHHCW 2020!
Happy Easter and a pleasant Easter weekend from POPDHH Team